Polyantha Roses
The Polyanthas are the workhorses of the garden - true bedding plants.
They bloom a little later than most of the other roses - late June, but they will bloom continuously until the freezes in October or November.
Polyanthas are typically low to medium low sized bushes - 2-3 feet here in Zone 5. If only they had fragrance to match their continuous color.
Polyanthas will bloom prolifically in large clusters - many small flowers but lots and lots of them. Colors are typically reds, pinks, and whites, and all the colors in between. Polyanthas are the first of the older, hardy roses that begin to show some of the modern colors - salmon pinks, and pink orange.
Most should do well in Zone 5. Some can survive colder winters.
Page maintained by Rose Fire, Ltd. and last updated on 09/20/00