top.gif (6421 bytes)547   Beau Narcesse

Class:  Gallica
Color:  Mauve Blend
Form:  Double
Height:  Medium  3-4 Feet
Bloom Season:  Spring/Summer
Fragrance:  Moderately Fragrant
Introduced:  1828
Hardiness:  Zone 5 (-20° - 20° F)
Stock Status:  Not Available

Beau Narcesse is one of the rarer Gallicas.  The color, the flower form, and the disease resistance should make it a welcome addition to the garden.  The only drawback is that it is very difficult to root.  Beau Narcesse represents the epitome of 19'th Century rose development.  Beau Narcesse still remains one of the most outstanding roses today, almost 200 years after its development

Page maintained by Rose Fire, Ltd. and last updated on 02/27/11