top.gif (6421 bytes)514   Comtesse de Lacepede

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Class:  Gallica
Color: Light Pink
Form:  Double
Height:  Medium  3-4 Feet
Bloom Season:  Spring/Summer
Fragrance:  Moderately Fragrant
Introduced:  1840
Hardiness:  Zone 3 (-30° - 40° F)
Stock Status:  Not Available

Comtesse de Lacepede is one of the rare white Gallicas. The Gallicas are known for more intense coloring than most of the other old roses. Comtesse de Lacepede shows us there are exceptions to every generality. The very double, white-light pink flowers are very fragrant. The bush stays under 4 feet tall in our gardens. In many ways, Comtesse de Lacepede reminds us of a smaller version of the classic Damask, Madame Hardy. We have not seen any black spot or mildew during our hot humid summers. Winterkill is minimal.

Page maintained by Rose Fire, Ltd. and last updated on 11/18/09