top.gif (6421 bytes)1223   Cuthbert Grant

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Class:  Shrub
Color:  Dark Red
Form:  Semi-Double
Height:  Medium  3-4 Feet
Bloom Season:  Repeats
Fragrance:  Slightly Fragrant
Introduced:  1967
Hardiness:  Zone 4 (-20° - 30° F)
Stock Status:  Not Available
Price:  $  


Cuthbert Grant is another new hardy rose from Canada.  It is a welcome addition to the ranks of extremely hardy roses.  The dark red, semi-double flowers are borne in waves all summer into the fall.  Hardiness is excellent, and disease resistance is very good in our gardens.  Good winter hardy red roses are few and far between.  Fortunately for us, Cuthbert Grant fills that niche.

Page maintained by Rose Fire, Ltd. and last updated on 12/09/18