1202 Autumn Sunset
Class: Shrub |
Color: Deep Yellow |
Form: Double |
Height: Tall 5-6 Feet |
Bloom Season: Repeats |
Fragrance: Moderately Fragrant |
Introduced: 1986 |
Hardiness: Zone 5 (-10° -20° F) |
Stock Status: Not Available |
Price: |
Autumn Sunset is a rarity among yellow roses. Winter hardiness and disease resistance are lacking in many of the yellow roses that are commercially available. Autumn Sunset is one of the exceptions. It will die back during the coldest winters,but its vigorous growth gives it a rapid recovery in the spring. In a warmer climate, or a more protected location, Autumn Sunset would make an excellent small climber. We grow it as a tall shrub. It is one of the best.
Page maintained by Rose Fire, Ltd. and last updated on 12/24/11