top.gif (6421 bytes)922    Lovely Fairy

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Class:  Polyantha
Color:  Deep Pink
Form:  Double
Height:  Medium  2 1/2 - 3 Feet
Bloom Season:  Continuous
Fragrance:  Slightly Fragrant
Introduced:  1990
Hardiness:  Zone 4 (-20° -30° F)
Stock Status:   Not Available
Price:   $ 14.00

The Lovely Fairy is a deeper pink sport of The Fairy.  It is like The Fairy is all other regards.  The bloom season in continuous from late June through October, or until the really hard freezes finally stop it.  The foliage is glossy and disease free.  The Lovely Fairy is a little more upright in growth habit than The Fairy.  It makes an excellent low rounded shrub.

Page maintained by Rose Fire, Ltd. and last updated on 12/04/16