top.gif (6421 bytes)1203   Birdie Blye

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Class:  Shrub
Color:  Medium Pink
Form:  Double
Height:  Medium/Spreading to 3 feet
Bloom Season:  Continuous
Fragrance:  Moderately Fragrant
Introduced:  1904
Hardiness:  Zone 5 (-10° - 50° F)
Stock Status: Not Available

Birdie Blye is an early example of the modern shrub class of rose. Birdie Blye stays relatively small about 3 feet tall, more or less with 3-4 feet spread.  The flowers are lovely. The foliage is clean and glossy. In the full sun, Birdie Blye is relatively immune to blackspot or mildew. Birdie Blye has good winter hardiness.

Page maintained by Rose Fire, Ltd. and last updated on 11/17/09