top.gif (6421 bytes)105   Armide

Class:  Alba
Color:  White
Form: Double
Height:  Medium 3-4 feet
Bloom Season: Spring/Summer
Fragrance:  Very Fragrant
Introduced: 1817
Hardiness:  Zone 4 (-20° - 30° F)
Stock Status:  Not Available

Armide offers an excellent choice for gardeners who want to try an Alba, but have limited space.  In our gardens, Armide never gets taller than 3-3 1/2 feet tall and 3 feet wide.  The pure white very fragrant flowers completely cover the bush in June.  You have to look close to even see the foliage.  We rarely see any winter injury.

Page maintained by Rose Fire, Ltd. and last updated on 03/08/15